Field Guide To NZ Seabirds
Field Guide To NZ Seabirds
With its extensive coastline and unique location in the South Pacific, New Zealand is a world centre of seabird activity. This is new and fully updated edition of Field Guide to New Zealand Seabirds provides ready identification and up-to-date information of the 112 seabird species that are likely to be encountered in New Zealand waters.
Seabird groups covered are: albatrosses, molly-mawks, shearwaters, petrels, storm petrels, div-ing petrels, giant petrels, prions, penguins, tropic-birds, gannets and boobies, shags, frigatebirds.
Each species is illustrated with photos and a distribution map, while text accounts outline key ID and behavioural features, similar species, distribution and breeding areas, and population status.
Authors: Brian Parkinson
210mm x 150mm
136 Pages
ISBN 9781869665470